Cast iron Model R and S twin strainers differ from the other twin strainers in the Tate Andale product line in their basic design. The Model R and S units feature bodies with a low profile. Straining baskets are mounted parallel to the pipeline with relatively straight line fluid flow through the strainer.
The Model R strainers are available in sizes 4” thru 36”. Maximum operating pressure for units thru 16” size is 100 PSIG. The 20” and 24” units are designed for 50 PSIG. The 30” and 36” units are designed for 125 PSIG working pressure and are furnished with electric motor valve operators featuring torque control to insure positive valve seating.
The Model S strainer incorporates all design features of the Model R plus increased basket area. The Model S features multiple baskets in each chamber which yield basket areas that double the baskets areas of the Model R.
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