Design Definition:  Strainers and filters are used to protect pumps, valves, heat exchangers, bearings, and spray nozzles from debris in process fluid. We design and manufacture simplex (single basket), duplex (twin basket), and self-cleaning (automatic) strainers and filters.  We offer cast and fabricated solutions manufactured using various grades of carbon steel, stainless steel, and copper alloys. We usually recommend the straining media to be one half the diameter of the component that requires protection from debris. For example, 1/4’’ tubes in a heat exchanger should be protected by a strainer basket with 1/8’’ perforation. Oversizing the straining media could allow debris to foul critical equipment, while under-sizing the straining media could cause the strainer basket to clog with excessive frequency.  
Customization: Tate Andale is a build-to-order factory so it is easy for us to provide semi- custom solutions using our standard industrial strainers, filters, and valves as the base platform. When a semi-custom solution will not solve the problem, our skilled team of engineers is ready to design a custom solution for your toughest industrial fluid-control challenge.
Overhauls and Retrofits: Tate Andale offers factory overhauls to extend the lifetime of industrial strainers and filters. We also offer services to retrofit older manual units with fully programmable automation solutions to extend the usefulness of aging products.