Tate Andale Model 1050 strainers are perfect for batch operations where flow may be interrupted to clean the basket, or for installations with relatively small amounts of debris where the strainer is used for start-up or emergency protection.
Customizable to your needs, the Model 1050 includes a flanged body with a single side-entry perforated steel basket that can be removed for easy cleaning. A clearance of 0.5” between the body housing and basket frame allows easy removal, although particles as large as 0.5” may bypass the basket.


  • Available in sizes from 4” to 42”
  • Close-fitting bale-type basket eliminates bypassing of debris, suitable for mesh lining down to a size of 200 mesh
  • Standard Materials:
    • Body and Cover: Steel Plate
    • Basket: 316 Stainless Steel
  • Available in design pressures of 150, 300, 600, 900 or 1,500 PSI
  • Fully customizable
    • inlet and outlet configurations: unlimited nozzle connections
    • materials of construction
    • Basket size and basket material of construction
    • Special Internal and External coating
    • Cover type (bolted or quick opening)
    • ASME code certification
    • Specialty & Exotic Alloy construction
    • Lifting Davit (for cover)
    • Magnet assemblies
    • Zinc anodes for salt water service
    • Wire cloth basket liner
    • Wedgewire elements

1050 Single Basket
Contact us for more information.